Looking for Mushrooms In Everyday Life
Mushrooms are a very fascinating organism that seems to appear randomly out in the wild. And you finding a mushroom it is usually gone by the next day. To most all mushroom look the same. That generic stem and cap that it either white or brown. But if you take a closer look, mushrooms are look incredible different from one another. Just like looking for flowers, but rare and unique flower. So when finding a mushroom it’s like finding a rare flower.
Looking for mushrooms can be a fun and engaging experience. It several benefits, like exercising, get out doors, more environmental awareness, and great pictures! I personally will look for mushrooms as a side quest. Usually when I am out Hiking, Fishing, or Hunting. This allows me to keeps my eyes peal and find treasures. And everyone loves a good side quest! Here are reasons to go mushroom hunting.
1. Getting Exercise
Mushroom hunting is great exercise, you will get some movement and burn calories. If you are an older adult mushroom hunting can be a great way to get out side and spend time with people with out over doing it. Mushroom hunting can be a simple walk in the park or intensive hike in the woods. It’s a choose your own adventure to ones own ability.
2. A Social Activities
When involving your friends or family in this activities can be a great way to socialize and learn. Having other people involve can get you better results and fun. This makes it a group activity and where you can help each other and share findings. This can increase the group chance to find more mushroom. Which tells how successful the group can be.
3. Learning Something New Things
When foraging for mushrooms. There is a large variety of fungi that can known or discover, and every species of mushroom is different. So when foraging its always a good idea to take pictures and take the specimen home, then do further research on it. By doing this your adding to your knowledge, and the next time foraging you can challenge yourself to find the species again or find something knew. Learning to distinguish between edible and poisonous mushroom is a important piece of knowledge too.
To tie everything together foraging can be a fun way to spend time outdoors, with friends and family. And in the process you guys will be all learning something and getting exercise. What is taken home can be investigated for further knowledge. And you might have stumble upon something edible or new, and you could research that, and the next time to foraging if you find it again.